ERSO Staff

Individual Staff Salutes
March Salute Nominations

Nominee's Name: Sandra Guiton
Nominee's Unit: Payroll
Criteria: Team Player

Customer Service Example:

Sandra ( Sam ) Guiton is the bedrock of the ERSO-Payroll department. Her experience is voluminous and wide-ranging. Along with Rebecca Foster, they are the remaining members of ERSO-Payroll since I joined the Team in 2012 – all others are transferees in, new to the team or have transferred out. As an example, Sam's emails to clients are well planned, instructive, easy to understand and amicable in tone. This is particularly helpful when complex matters are involved. Sam is professional and thorough in all aspects of her work. In addition, Sam assists me with the bi-annual Effort Reporting in which, as the ERSO’s backup Effort Report Coordinator. This is a huge undertaking, with over 1800 reports, to review. I am very grateful for Sam’s assistance and could not accomplish the task in a timely manner without her help. Thank you Sam !

February Salute Nominations

Nominee's Name: Stacy Ruvalcaba
Nominee's Unit: Shipping & Receiving
Criteria: Demonstrates Commitment

Customer Service Example:

I would like to nominate Stacy for recognition of her outstanding accomplishments and contributions to the Berkeley Equipment Management team. Stacy has truly gone above and beyond in her role, demonstrating exceptional commitment and being a true team player throughout her work. One of Stacy’s most impressive achievements this year has been her direct impact on reducing our equipment management backlog. She has significantly reduced the entries on the ERSO BETS 500 Report by 8% YTD. This is especially noteworthy given the scale of the report, which typically contains over 600 entries and continues to grow as new equipment is added. Stacy's ability to manage and reduce this backlog while maintaining high-quality work exemplifies her dedication to the team and her commitment to improving the efficiency and effectiveness of our operations. Her efforts not only reflect her strong technical abilities but also her proactive approach and dedication to continuous improvement, making a lasting impact on the team’s success. Stacy has gone beyond the call of duty and has proven herself to be an invaluable asset to the department.

January Salute Nominations

Nominee's Name: TBA
Nominee's Unit: TBA
Criteria: TBA

Customer Service Example:


Team High Fives
1st Quarter Nominations

Names of People on the Team: TBA
Team Unit: TBA
Which Operating Principle did this team embody? TBA


2024 4th Quarter Winners

Names of People on the Team: Amy Frithsen, Esther Gomez, Farah Pranawahadi, Sarah Gaugler
Team Unit: Research
Which Operating Principle did this team embody? We include and excel together

Amy, Esther, Farah and Sarah went above and beyond in preparing a thorough and thoughtful NIH pre-award training bootcamp for 23 research administrators eager to expand their knowledge and ability to submit NIH proposals. This group worked together over the course of a month to prepare a three week training devoted to sharing their expertise in this area. The projected outcome is that this will make ERSO a stronger, and more robust organization deepening our ability in NIH proposals so we have more bandwidth when needed. This also furthers many RAs stated individual development goals in learning to work with the NIH sponsor. Learning pre-award inherently exposes elements of post award requirements as well. This effort embodies that we Include and Excel together.