ERSO is observing the annual closure of campus to conserve energy which will occur this year between Monday, December 25, 2023 and Tuesday, January 2, 2024.
ERSO is adhering to the Berkeley Regional Service Curtailment 2023 Deadlines.ERSO is adhering to the Berkeley Regional Service Curtailment 2023 Deadlines.
ERSO Receiving deadlines:
If you have any questions regarding ERSO internal deadlines, please contact the respective functional Team using their email alias:
Other important deadlines for campus:
SPO Proposal Submission:
Supply Chain Management:
By your votes, we will run a virtual drive with the Food Bank of Contra Costa and Solano again this year. We also wanted to share the opportunity to support the UC Berkeley community via the Berkeley Food Pantry. Here's more information:
Food Bank of Contra Costa and Solano
Pictures we took at this year's NCURA conference in DC. - Sanchita
Website awareness article: Re-verification of Form I-9s to be required / remote I-9 verification ending
Enjoyed lunch at Eureka! Berkeley with the team. It's great to connect with the team in person, and always fun and exciting to learn something new about my colleagues when we get together. Looking forward to our next gathering! - Mary
(From left to right: Mary Cuison, Chelsea Miller, Jennifer Dawson, Anne Anderssen, Noriko Katagiri, Taryn Goomishian, Laman Sadaghiani, Jean Lin-Wong)
Campus Colleagues,
As the spring semester winds down, the end of the fiscal year, June 30, will be here soon. There are several "fiscal close" deadlines in place for those who may have financial business to transact this academic year. You will find the list of deadlines on the FY2022-23 Fiscal Close Deadlines webpage on the CFO website.
This year’s fiscal close steps are similar to those in previous years for Berkeley Regional Services (BRS), Supply Chain Management (SCM), and Finance. Take a moment to review the information to ensure that all relevant steps are taken according to the schedule.
Please share this message with others who need to know or may be interested in this information.
Thank you,
Rosemarie Rae Balla
Vice Chancellor of Finance and Chief Financial Officer
Marc Fisher
Vice Chancellor Administration
ERSO RAs gathered for a BYOL on campus in Sutardja Dai Hall, The first in a while! We plan to have these on the last Tuesday of the month. We enjoyed breaking out of our Zoom boxes. So nice to see everyone that could make it! Future ideas that came up are outdoor gatherings, walks, and bringing our dogs to a picnic potluck. Stay tuned.
Led by Kenichi Soga, the Donald H. McLaughlin Chair in Mineral Engineering and Chancellor’s Professor at UC Berkeley, the researchers will use the grant over three years to develop an interdisciplinary framework to simulate wildfire evacuation methods in two Bay Area communities — Marin County and the city of Oakland in Alameda County — and to educate community members on how to escape wildfires safely.
Joining Soga on the project are UC Berkeley colleagues Louise Comfort, professor emerita, fellow CITRIS PI and former director of the University of Pittsburgh Center for Disaster Management; Stephen Collier, professor of city and regional planning; J. Keith Gilless, professor emeritus of forest economics; and Michael Gollner, associate professor of mechanical engineering.
More information here.